The boys are taken to a room and form a circle. When there is only one person left who hasn't ejaculated, he must eat the biscuit.Ī bunch of kids played Limp biscuit. It is an act of intimidation and may be a way of humiliating a certain boy for his race or sexuality as well as his youth. Whats the difference between a biscuit tin and sex with a woman on her period. See limp bizket, limp bizkit game, limp, biscuit 3.Ī game in which a group of guys crowd round a biscuit and try to ejaculate onto it. A big list of biscuit jokes 87 of them, in fact. That’s when it’s time to reach for canned biscuits. No doubt about it: Homemade biscuits are downright delicious and pair so well with hearty Sunday dinners.But making biscuits from scratch isn’t always in the cards on a busy evening. No one ate the biscuit because they all thought the first guy to get an erection in the company of other guys was gay so they killed him. Searching for the Best Store-Bought Biscuits. Additionally, a participant who fails to hit the biscuit when he ejaculates must then eat it. Some kids played limp biscuit last night. Soggy biscuit (also known as ookie cookie, limp biscuit, wet biscuit, shoot the cookie, jizzcuit, or cum on a cookie) is a male group masturbation activity in which the participants stand around a biscuit (UK) or cookie (US) masturbating and ejaculating onto it the last person to do so must eat the biscuit. If you rush this process, you will be left with soggy biscuits that are far from appetising. When there is only one person left who hasn't ejaculated, he must eat the biscuit. Soggy biscuit is a male group masturbation activity in which the participants stand around a biscuit (UK) or cookie (US) masturbating and ejaculating onto. Soggy biscuit The nation’s most notorious masturbatory pastime: a circle of panting degenerates loom over a table with a biscuit in the centre in order to ejaculate on the, let’s say. This is a complete guide to freezing amaretti biscuits. The last person to cum, consequently, has to eat the soggy biscuit.Ī game in which a group of boys crowd round a biscuit and try to ejaculateonto it.

Bisu is short for bisuketto (), the Japanese pronunciation of 'biscuit. They all begin to jerk off, ejactulating onto the biscuit. The Bisu Bisu no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to generate and manipulate biscuits at will, making them a Biscuit Human (, Bisuketto Ningen, VIZ: 'Biscuitman').

Several guys stand in a circle around a biscuit (possibly a wheat digestive).