Youths that commit certain offenses, which may include vehicle code violations, alcohol and drug related offenses, and specific vandalism violations, will be scheduled for a Traffic Hearing with a Probation Officer. Completion of an education or counseling program.Closing a case at the hearing with a warning.Youth that commit lower level offenses and meet specific criteria for informal handling will be scheduled for a Citation Hearing with a Probation Officer.

Serious cases are referred to a Citation Hearing or to the District Attorney for prosecution. If AIP is appropriate, the youth could be asked to complete community service, write an essay or apology letter, or attend an education program and/or counseling. Alternative Intervention Program ( AIP)ĪIP is an early intervention program for low-level offenders.Īn assessment is conducted by the Probation Officer to determine the appropriate level of intervention. Law Enforcement Diversion is an early intervention program prior to the citation being sent to the Probation Department. Law Enforcement Diversion is an early intervention program to guide youth and help parents become aware of laws, juvenile trends, drug use, and look for warning signs in their child’s behavior.